Minecraft Servers

Are you searching for the best Minecraft servers to join? Minecraft offers a vast selection of worlds to explore, and once you venture beyond the vanilla experience, you'll find a wide range of server options. If you enjoy competing against other players, PvP or mini-game servers might be right up your alley. On the other hand, if you prefer a peaceful gameplay style, there are plenty of survival servers that would suit your preferences. We have compiled a list of the top Minecraft servers, offering a variety of options for you to try out and find the perfect fit. Whether you're looking for a cracked Minecraft server, the largest Minecraft survival server, a high-quality Minecraft Prison server, the best Minecraft Skyblock servers, a Towny server to build towns, or a server running a specific Minecraft version, we have you covered.

Minecraft Server List

So, what exactly is a Minecraft server?

It is a multiplayer version of the Minecraft world where you can play with other players. Finding the best Minecraft servers may seem like a simple question, but it's not as straightforward as it seems. There are various factors to consider, including the server's player base, version compatibility, and an engaged community. Our website is designed to make this task easier for you. On the Minecraft Server list, you can simply scroll through our website, discover the best Minecraft servers, and start playing with just a few clicks!

Now, let's talk about Minecraft server lists.

These lists are websites accessible through your browser that help you find server IPs. Each server list may offer different functions, filters, and server options. At Minecraft Server List, we periodically check all servers to ensure that we feature the best Minecraft servers. To use our Minecraft Server List, simply browse through the main list or select a specific category, find a suitable Minecraft server, click on the IP address to copy it, and paste it into your Minecraft launcher's IP address field. It's as simple as that! Once you've completed these steps, you're ready to join the new Minecraft server, make new friends, and have fun.

How does voting on Minecraft Servers List work?

You can vote for each server once per day. By voting, you help servers increase their player base, and in return, servers often offer in-game rewards to Minecraft players for each vote. The specific vote rewards may vary depending on the server's setup and game modes. For instance, you won't receive the same rewards on a Minecraft Survival Server as you would on a Skyblock or Prison server, as these game modes have different setups and economies.

Now, let's talk about how to play Minecraft Servers. To play on online servers, you need to purchase Minecraft and install it on your computer. Once you've launched the Minecraft client, navigate to Minecraft Multiplayer and click the "Add server" button. From there, choose a server from our website that you'd like to play on, type or copy-paste the server's address or Java IP address. That's it! It's straightforward enough. If, for any reason, you find that you're not enjoying your new Minecraft Java Server, you can always use our site, Minecraft Server List, to find another server that suits your preferences.

It's important to note that you can only play on a cracked Minecraft server without an actual Mojang account. However, for a better experience, it's recommended to get an official account. The behavior of cracked players may vary from server to server, but they tend to use cheats more often, as it's easier to create alternate accounts on cracked servers.

When it comes to Minecraft game modes, there are several options available when playing in singleplayer or multiplayer. In singleplayer, you have Survival, Creative, Adventure, and Spectator game modes, with Survival being the default mode known as free world playing. In multiplayer, you'll find a variety of game modes on different servers, ranging from the popular Minecraft Survival server, Survival Games, Bed Wars, Survival SMP, Sky Wars, to fully customized Op Skyblock servers. Many popular Minecraft servers are actually networks that offer numerous exciting game modes, custom plugins, custom items, and much more.

Lastly, let's discuss server plugins. Plugins are often used to modify certain aspects of the game, such as adding user rankings or expanding game modes like SkyBlock, Skygrid, Prison, Survival SMP, OP Prison, and Factions. Unlike mods, which alter the game itself and require custom clientside mods, plugins only impact the gameplay style. For example, a technic modpack would necessitate specific mods on the client side, and players would be unable to join a server without all the required mods.