Minecraft Servers

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The frontier
The frontier

Discover the Uncharted Realms of "The Frontier" Minecraft Server!

Embark on an exhilarating journey into a realm where freedom reigns and the rules are yours to make. "The Frontier" offers a unique blend of anarchic adventure and strategic gameplay, creating an Anarchy-lite experience unlike any other. Dive into the 1.14.4 Vanilla world, where expanded mechanics and engaging features await your exploration.

Forge your path and conquer the land with simple factions and powerful claims. Earn claim points through the sheer progress of vanilla gameplay, ensuring that every achievement brings you closer to securing your territory. But beware, as this untamed frontier invites risks and challenges at every turn.

Unleash the potential for chaos with the small chance for certain mobs to drop creeper eggs, granting you the ability to shape the world in your explosive image. Delve into the realm of crafting and discover unique, custom-made items that add a touch of individuality to your Minecraft experience. And fear not, for even though the server has "no rules" within its borders, we maintain a strong stance against destructive activities that extend beyond the realm of the game.

Outside the server, we prioritize your safety and security, strictly prohibiting actions such as doxxing, harassment, DDoSing, and any other forms of malicious hacking. Rest assured that "The Frontier" is dedicated to fostering a community that thrives on camaraderie and mutual respect.

While lag machines may not result in immediate bans, we actively seek and eliminate any disruptive elements to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience for all. Together, we can build a vibrant and adventurous frontier, where the boundaries of possibility are limited only by your imagination.

Join "The Frontier" today and embrace the untamed wilderness that awaits!

The frontier Statistics

Where can I find the IP address for the The frontier Minecraft server?

To locate the IP address for the The frontier server, navigate to the server info section (usually located in the top left corner). There, you will find the server address that you can copy. Additionally, you may find additional details such as the Discord server, website, and more.

How do I join and play on the The frontier Minecraft server?

To join the The frontier server, begin by launching your Minecraft Launcher. Click the "Play" button to access the main menu, then select the "Multiplayer" option.

Next, click on the "Add Server" button. Paste the server address (thefrontier.serverminer.com) into the "Server Address" input field and click "Done" to save the settings.

Once the server connection indicator turns green, indicating a successful connection, click "Join Server" to enter and start playing on the The frontier server.

Which Minecraft version is supported on the The frontier server?

The The frontier server supports Minecraft version 1.16.5. While it is possible to attempt joining with a different version, it is recommended to use the 1.16.5 Minecraft client version for optimal compatibility and gameplay experience.